2022 International Conference on Computational Infrastructure and Urban Planning
Technical Program Committee (TPC)

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Technical Program Committee

Dr. Emmanuel Ndashimye, Carnegie Mellon University Africa, Rwanda

Dr. Xinqiang Chen, Shanghai Maritime University, China

Dr. Muhammad Sameer Sheikh, School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, China

Dr. Koichiro Ishikawa, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Fukui, Japan

Dr. Süleyman İpek, Department of Civil Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep; 27310, Turkey

Dr. Piotr Smarzewski, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Dr. A. Sulis, DICAAR Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari, Italy

Dr. S.H. Chu, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Dr. Hui Liu, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China

Dr. Hosein Naderpour, Department of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

Dr. Jian Yao, School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, China

Dr. Subhan Ahmad, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, India

Dr. Marcin Kamiński, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology,  Poland

Dr. Theodoros Chrysanidis, Department of Environmental Sciences, School of Technology, University of Thessaly, Greece

Dr. Yurdakul AYGÖRMEZ, Civil Engineering Department, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

Dr.  Lazreg HADJI, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering,University of Tiaret, Algeria

Dr. Sadegh Ghavami, Department of Civil Engineering, Alaoddoleh Semnani Institute of Higher Education, Iran

Dr. Sajjad Mirvalad, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran

Dr. Luís F. A. Bernardo, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Beira Interior, Portugal

If you would like to join us as TPC member, please kindly send CV to us for validation. 

Important Dates

Time Countdown: 


Final Round Submission

Submission Deadline:

June 10th, 2022

Submission Entry
Host Unit
Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology
Nanchang Institute of Technology
Contact Us

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